Have you ever lost someone you loved and wondered what they would tell you if you could hear them?
Find the clarity and confidence to make heart-aligned choices.
Energetics of Love Intuitive Guidance Sessions can help:
Heal grief by understanding that loved ones are still nearby.
Identify messages from loved ones on the other side.
Ignite new hope and accepting help for life’s challenges.
Increase awareness to the continuum of Love that we are all connected to.
You will learn the techniques she has used for over 30 years, as she teaches you how to listen to Ascended Masters, your Angels, Guides, and loved ones from the other side.
This is a story about a mother who has faced one of the most painful events that a parent could experience; the shocking and agonizing news that her son Kevin took his own life.
Janice Hope could not believe that her baby was suddenly gone. While she could not wrap her mind and heart around the thought that it was his own choice, she was dedicated to finding answers and preventing someone else from giving up too soon.
Drawing on her skills and experience in the healing arts, Janice pushed through her intolerable suffering. She went deep inside and asked God and the Angels for guidance. While she had frequently received clairaudient messages from loved ones on the other side, she never thought that she would start receiving messages from her own Kevin in Heaven.
Janice has documented her spiritual journey and the unfoldment of events in her life, along with the discussions she had with her son Kevin. She now better understands why he took his own life and she is dedicated to reminding people that love and help are always available and waiting.
Her intention in sharing these important messages is to bring hope, comfort, or an awakening to those in need.
“Love Never Dies is a unique and vulnerable tribute to the never-ending love between a mother and son. Janice Hope’s mystical journey through grief as she reconstructs her life after Kevin’s sudden death, inspires us all to reach beyond our limited reality; To open our hearts and minds to the true potential that it is possible to remain connected to our loved ones after they transition from this world.”
“I have been impacted by the death and suicide of friends and family members. It’s not easy for a teenager to push aside grief and hard events. However, I now see that it’s never too late to work through such feelings. This book inspired me to try to reconnect with a close friend who has recently died, using objects I have kept to remember her.
As I pursue a career in a medical field full of tragedy, Love Never Dies has reminded me that through my past, present, and future, regardless of beliefs or ideals, I can find a reason for everything. With time and love, it’s possible to find healing and peace in each soul.”
“Love Never Dies is a Spiritual gold mine for those who seek solace over the loss of their child or loved one, especially when suicide was chosen to escape the torment from their pain and suffering. Janice is a living example of the power of Love and what it means to “knock, and the door shall be opened.”
We all need to remember that we are never alone, and that we are loved unconditionally. It is important to be receptive to Love, and to messages of loving encouragements.
This book will provide peace and comfort by demonstrating that love never dies. It is a vulnerable and loving conversation between a mother and a son. It includes timeless messages and deep lessons around the challenges in life. This can benefit anyone seeking a deeper understanding about life and empower them with tools and resources.
“Janice will help you move into a deeper sense of confidence and trust that there is so much more beyond what is seen. The “God Glue” holds it all together and death is just a perceptual illusion…”
-Christian Sørensen
Spiritual Leader, Seaside Center for Spiritual Living. Author of Living from the Mountaintop: Be the Mystic You Were Born to Be
“The message Janice conveys is deeply comforting. Her book will also be an eye-opener for those who still doubt that contact with the ‘other side’ is not only possible, but meaningful and insightful. It offers healing to the living, and perhaps to those on the Spirit world as well.
I highly recommend this fascinating read!”
“I was honored to help Janice with her endeavor to share an experience that causes the deepest agony imaginable for a mother. Her vulnerability in expressing love and anger from her pain is admirable. These examples kept reminding me that forgiveness, honesty, and willingness to feel through an emotion will bring miracles of healing. I could only hope to have such courage. Janice set a course to help us understand that Love Never Dies.”
“Janice Hope shares a timeless message that forgiveness is the pathway to peace, never-ending love, healing, and self-awareness.
I found so many wonderful and insightful takeaways. I especially encourage you to read it to discover Kevin’s insights about ‘The God Glue’ and ‘The God Vibe.’ She provides resources and information reminding us that NO ONE has to suffer alone.”
Zoom Sessions
Janice is available to work with people Via Zoom to facilitate healing sessions from moving through their grief and finding the Love and Joy that is just waiting for them.
Sunday January 14th - Capistrano, CA
Janice Hope and Patrick Fulke
12:00 – 2:00 p.m. Center for Spiritual Living, Capistrano
Thursday January 25th - Encinitas, CA
Healing the Heart Through Loss and Pain.
Janice Hope and Patrick Fulke
6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Seaside Center for Spiritual Living
Thursday February 1st - Encinitas, CA
Healing the Heart Through Loss and Pain.
Janice Hope and Patrick Fulke
6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Seaside Center for Spiritual Living
Thursday February 8th - Encinitas, CA
Healing the Heart Through Loss and Pain.
Janice Hope and Patrick Fulke
6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Seaside Center for Spiritual Living
Thursday February 15th - Encinitas, CA
Healing the Heart Through Loss and Pain.
Janice Hope and Patrick Fulke
6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Seaside Center for Spiritual Living
“This is your go-to book for understanding that Love Never Dies between you and your loved ones!
Janice Hope writes so beautifully, powerfully and authentically about her son Kevin’s life with such depth and intimacy.
I highly recommend this book! A classic, for all of us—young and not so young, to know there is always, help! And that we are also loved beyond measure. A must read!”
“To the unconsolable… have faith. This remarkable story engenders hope and healing for those left behind. Between mother and son, Janice and Kevin show us without any doubt that our connection with our loved ones never ends. Now that Kevin is in heaven, he has gone on to evolve and expand in profound ways. A mother’s sorrow is forever, but the ‘sting’ can fade through forgiveness and understanding.”
“I was greatly moved, even to tears, by the timeless and healing message of Love Never Dies. I felt so close to Kevin and his mother, Janice. Every word, from beginning to end, served as a ‘sacred salve’ for my grieving soul. A missing link in the chain of love; utterly transformational. As I read, my heart opened and was soothed of the pain I have endured for way too long. Tears no longer robbed me of my joy, but suddenly cleansed me to live fully again. Now that I understand the true nature of life and death, I stand in the light of compassion for everyone and that, gratefully, includes myself. ”
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